MyWay+ Pedal
The MyWay+ Pedal is a revolutionary elliptical trainer which attaches onto the size 2 and 3 MyWay+. Unlike cycling which encourages a flexed, seated position, pedalling in an upright, weight-bearing position targets and strengthens anti-gravity muscles (calf, quadriceps and gluteals).
The elliptical movement provides a sensori-motor experience similar to gait and can be used passively at first by children who struggle to initiate any steps, to promote muscle memory patterns and encourage a good stepping motion; and later actively, by initiating the movement themselves. Children can also progress from having the ankle straps in place to then removing them for the hardest workout.
Most of all it makes therapy fun!
Tool-free adjustment of the prone angle and gross and fine height adjustment, together with the wide range of accessories, ensure therapists can optimise set-up to maximise participation and play.