COVID-19 Tips for wheelchair users

COVID-19 Tips for wheelchair users



Greetings from Beneficial Designs. My name is Peter Axelson. I am a wheelchair user, designer, and engineer, and I am reaching out today with important information regarding COVID-19 precautions to be taken by wheelchair users.

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The Benefits of Meditation for People with Disabilities

The Benefits of Meditation for People with Disabilities



In a fast-paced and stressed out world, meditation is becoming more and more popular, and for good reason.   Meditation can help people to improve self-awareness and esteem and reduce stress, anxiety, and aggression. Many people find that practising meditation helps with mood, focus, and self-compassion, and that it can have a positive effect on relationships, sleep, and dietary habits.  

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Occupational Therapy for People With Disabilities

Occupational Therapy for People With Disabilities



Occupational therapy is an important part of many disability and illness treatment protocols. Occupational therapy focusses on enhancing independence and capacity for everyday activities. It can help people with physical, sensory, or cognitive disabilities to find solutions to access and task limitations, improving their ability to take part in activities necessary to day-to-day life, and ultimately helping to improve their quality of life.

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Music Therapy For People With Disabilities

Music Therapy For People With Disabilities



Music has a beautiful power to move us, uplift our moods, motivate us, and connect us with our friends and family. It helps us to communicate and express our feelings, and to understand the world and people around us with a new level of depth. Songs and rhythms not only entertain and delight us; there is scientific evidence that certain beats can increase mental wellness, reduce pain, and even improveour sleep.

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Animal-Assisted Therapy in Australia

Animal-Assisted Therapy in Australia



Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) is a psychotherapy treatment based upon building a bond with an animal through interaction and play. Due to its flexible nature, AAT is suitable for both adults and children with almost any kind of disability, mental illness, autism spectrum disorder, or chronic illness. It can also be effective in addiction recovery, and for patients who would otherwise benefit from the emotional support an animal can offer.

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Yoga Positions for Wheelchair Users

Yoga Positions for Wheelchair Users



Yoga is a spiritual and physical discipline celebrated for its positive influence over health, pain relief, and relaxation. Practicing yoga is beneficial for people of all abilities, body types, and fitness levels. It is credited for reducing aches and pains, and promoting general wellbeing and positive mental health.Yoga is a very adaptable exercise, and can be easily practiced from a seated position or otherwise modified to your needs. Because of this, it is highly suitable for wheelchair users and other people with disabilities. There are numerous adapted yoga positions which can be incorporated into the physical therapy or exercise routines of people with disabilities.

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Building a Fun and Effective Wheelchair Based Workout

Building a Fun and Effective Wheelchair Based Workout



Exercise is essential to the overall wellbeing of people from all walks of life and in all life stages. Stretching, cardio, resistance training, and sports each assist in the development and continual improvement of muscle tone, coordination, and day-to-day energy levels. Wheelchair users are no exception to this rule and many experience great benefits to introducing workouts to their daily lives.

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Easy ways to maintain your posture in a wheelchair

Easy ways to maintain your posture in a wheelchair



Maintaining good posture in a wheelchair will help you improve your mobility and decrease your risk of long-term health issues. It’s important to remember that the definition for ‘correct posture’ is dependent on the wheelchair user in question. For instance, people with spinal disabilities often cannot sit with a conventional posture, and must thereby maintain the correct posture for their abilities and condition.

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The Therapeutic Background of Equine Therapy

The Therapeutic Background of Equine Therapy



Equinetherapy is a assisted type of therapy that involves interactions between patients and horses. It is suitable for many different participants and is commonly used to develop and enrich physical, social and emotional wellbeing. The broad benefits of equine therapy have not gone unnoticed and equine therapy programs are increasingly sought after by people with disabilities. When participating in equine therapy, it’s imperative that professional equestrian therapists are on hand to coordinate and safely guide the session.

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